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Kaila Brown
Nursing 2021

Current Position: Medical/Surgical Telemetry RN at Jefferson Lansdale Hospital
Story Last Updated: Summer 2024
Like the saying goes, it takes pressure to produce diamonds, and this is true for GMercyU's program; working tirelessly in order to set you up for success upon graduation into the Nursing profession. I couldn’t imagine receiving my Nursing education from any other college. I would not be the nurse I am today without GMercyU's program.
Why I Chose Nursing
From a very young age I knew I wanted to be in medicine. As a child, I wanted to be a veterinarian; my sister and I would rescue injured animals from our yard and bring them inside to nurse back to health before releasing them into the wild. This occurred so frequently, with such a wide variety of animals, that neighbors would bring us injured animals they found for us to provide care to and ultimately release.
While this is not the career path I ended up in, this experience with detailed assessment, outside the box thinking to determine the best care, and patience provided me with a foundation that I am still able to utilize with my patients in my career today.
I knew I wanted to become a nurse around middle school when my mom, after fighting multiple spans of severe respiratory illnesses, was ultimately diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease. The autoimmune disease she was diagnosed with requires specialized respiratory care and monthly infusions with a home infusion nurse. As a child I watched my mom get better with these interventions and soon her life returned to a state of health and normalcy. It made me happy to see her return to the activities she enjoyed, now in a healthier state.
This was the moment I knew I wanted to go into nursing. To have the skills and ability to provide such crucial, hands on, life-changing care to those in need, all while helping them achieve the quality of life they deserve. Once I developed this sense of purpose it was clear that the career I wanted to pursue, the one I belonged in, was nursing.
Path to GMercyU
GMercyU is a wonderful university with a reputation that precedes it. Once I knew I wanted to become a nurse, I quickly began researching the best nursing colleges. I came across GMercyU during this search and read about the Nursing program.
I knew just from what I researched that I wanted to attend, but this decision was made even more clear after a casual conversation with my mom’s home infusion nurse. Upon mentioning GMercyU as an option, she immediately raved over the quality of GMercyU nurses, recommending the university saying,
“Every GMercyU nurse I have worked with has been outstanding. They all have wonderful bedside manner, critical thinking skills, and know what to do beyond what the books say. That is a wonderful college, I would definitely recommend it.”
It was a conversation I will never forget; to hear such positive recommendations from a seasoned nurse about a Nursing program. Immediately I knew I wanted to go to GMercyU, and it is a decision I am grateful for in my career every day because of the foundation it laid for the work I do today.
Experience as Nursing Major
My experience in the Nursing program was very positive, but not without its challenges. GMercyU’s Nursing program is amazing, not because it is easy, but due in large part to its rigorous curriculum and high expectations.
The course load, projects, exams, and expectations all work to ensure the nurses produced by the program are of the highest caliber. There are strict requirements in the classroom and equally so in the clinical setting when providing patient care.
Student nurses in the clinical setting from GMercyU do not spend their rotations simply observing, all the hours were spent providing hands-on care. As students we would perform detailed assessments, provide care, and continuously collaborate with the hospitals’ practicing nurses and interdisciplinary team to help provide the best care possible for the patients.
Many people talk about the difficulty of GMercyU's Nursing program, but I think this is crucial; it is the reason graduates are hired so quickly upon graduation and a majority pass the NCLEX on the first attempt.
Like the saying goes, it takes pressure to produce diamonds, and this is true for GMercyU's program; working tirelessly in order to set you up for success upon graduation into the Nursing profession. I couldn’t imagine receiving my Nursing education from any other college. I would not be the nurse I am today without GMercyU's program.
Professors Who Made a Difference
There are so many professors that stand out both in and out of the Nursing program. I majored in Nursing while also completing a minor in Psychology. I decided to pursue a minor because of the impact of the professors who taught my required Psychology courses. They changed my perspective on what constitutes holistic healthcare.
Professors Janice Nuss, Stephanie Fratantaro, and Mary Reilly were all amazing.
My minor in Psychology provided me with knowledge and skills that helped shape the nursing care I am able to offer. It provided me with crucial skills I now utilize when caring for patients with mental health concerns, patients in crisis, and the general patient population as they undergo such a stressful time in their lives.
All of my Nursing professors were wonderful. I never experienced a Nursing class where I felt concerned that I was lacking information or a well-rounded education. Some that stand out include Professors Maria Warnick, Tiffany Ciocci, Maria Jordan, Catherine Razzi, and Pamela Lynn.
Professor Maria Warnick is outstanding, able to go above and beyond the scheduled curriculum to provide in-depth, easy to comprehend/retain information on a consistent basis. The information provided in her classes went beyond the required course load, putting us ahead for the next year, all while teaching it in a way that made sure we would be able to later apply it on the NCLEX and in our profession. She was consistently a stellar educator while also being personable and approachable which made classes a positive experience. As a practicing nurse, I find myself frequently thinking back to her stories/mnemonics to recall information I need even now, three years after taking her classes.
I had the pleasure of completing my mental health rotation with Professor Maria Jordan at MCES. This rotation under her mentorship inspired me to pursue an official minor in Psychology and utilize the skills I learned to always account for mental health just as much as physical health. She was a glowing example of the power a nurse with a calming presence/demeanor holds in moments of unrest. When faced with complications or unusual situations, she showed the influence remaining calm had on patients who were in crisis.
She taught more with her actions than words could express, many of her techniques I utilize on a daily basis to help maintain peace for both me and my patients.She showed that in moments of crisis the most influential force is the nurse who can act with composure, patience, and overwhelming understanding, like a lighthouse amid the storm.
She inspires and encourages all her students while providing the best in person educational experience. I am beyond grateful for the information I gained under her preceptorship in clinical rotation and class because of the impact it had on me as a student and person.
I took several courses with Professor Tiffany Ciocci, but one that was most influential was her Geriatric Medicine course. In my specific field of Nursing, I have the pleasure of working with many individuals in the geriatric population. In her classes, she emphasized a variety of skills and techniques I am able to implement today. Like Professor Warnick, she consistently went above and beyond the required curriculum to ensure we got the most out of the course while connecting it to real world experiences to take it from books to bedside. She also was always personable and approachable which ensured her students always had what they needed to understand the information at hand. I later had the pleasure of working with Tiffany upon graduation, in my position as an RN at Lansdale Hospital, which was a wonderful full-circle experience.
Professors Catherine Razzi and Pamela Lynn were equally as influential. Professor Razzi acted as a crucial mentor while providing us with important information on lab/simulation days to grow our bedside hands-on skills. She taught skills in a way that was efficient and easy to understand so that even today I can refer back to those demonstrations and apply them to practice. I took multiple classes with Professor Lynn as well, but one of the most influential was her research class. During this class, I learned research techniques I am now able to apply to constantly improve my practice and stay up to date on the newest information in Nursing. Both Professor Razzi and Professor Lynn provided important information in a way that was easy to comprehend/retain so that I can refer to it even now, three years later.
Life as a Student-Athlete
I was a member of the University’s Field Hockey team playing both the midfield and forward positions during my freshman year. As a freshman, I was lucky enough to start and play in several games, scoring five goals, allowing me to leave my mark on the season. I had the honor of being named CSAC All-Academic with a GPA of 4.0 maintained throughout the athletic season.
The team my freshman year was very successful; together we won the Conference and moved on to the first round of NCAA playoffs in Connecticut. I left the team after my freshman year to focus on my Nursing studies, but during the season I gained so many positive memories and friends.
I would highly recommend being involved in the athletic teams or extracurricular activities GMercyU provides, especially in your freshman year, as it provides support and opportunity outside the academic classrooms.
Impact of Psychology Minor
During my studies, I participated in the Psychology/Social Work programs through my minor in Psychology. I have always been interested in mental health and was quickly influenced by all of the amazing Psychology professors at GMercyU.
I am beyond grateful that I minored in Psychology; it is such a crucial aspect of nursing to utilize therapeutic communication styles in de-escalation and be able to provide knowledgeable care to those in crisis.
This knowledge was quickly put into use upon graduation as I received a distress call to our unit from the family member of a patient on the floor. I was able to use the techniques learned in my Counseling and Psychology classes to recognize signs of distress, de-escalate over the phone, prevent harm, and coordinate rescue services to provide aid to the individual on the call.
I later won a Mission Moment award from Jefferson for this event. I was only able to provide such care because of the foundational knowledge I received through GMercyU’s Psychology program.
Dedicated Education Unit
I knew from the start of senior year that I wanted to participate in the Dedicated Education Unit program because of its reputation. I knew the basics, that the DEU program is an educational opportunity in which a senior level Nursing student is partnered one-on-one with an experienced practicing nurse for four months. I also knew how selective the program was in the standards you must meet to qualify including a specific GPA, written recommendations, and passing the interview process.
The main reason I wanted to participate in the program was for the experience I would gain and the fact that most DEU participants are hired quickly upon graduation, often by the hospital they are matched with. I knew the opportunity the DEU program would provide.
I was inspired by the job opportunity and the chance to represent GMercyU as a member of their Nursing program. In terms of the program experience upon selection, it was all worth its weight in gold.
From the start I noticed how much information I was absorbing while having the opportunity to work independently with an experienced nurse. I was lucky enough to be matched with my unit’s team leader, interim manager, and senior charge nurse. My nurse, being in this role, had additional tasks she had to complete or manage while also providing care to up to six assigned patients. So, while receiving experience providing and managing patient care, I also learned how to manage a unit, help other nurses coordinate care, and be a lead communicator with physicians and the interdisciplinary team.
I had the opportunity during my time in the program to be introduced to a wide variety of people in the hospital as my nurse would communicate with them multiple times every shift. I was able to grow exponentially as a nurse. I quickly learned critical skills through hands-on performance, how best to manage time with so many different required tasks, and how to assign acuity to patients to determine the best course of patient care.
During my time in the DEU program, I witnessed a wide variety of clinical experiences. I was able to act as a critical member of the care team on multiple occasions early on, even as a student, which helped provide me with confidence at a time when I was so lacking. I learned through shadowing how to quickly assess sudden changes in patient status, while having the opportunity to participate in stabilizing them, assist in coordinating transfer to higher level of care, and aiding in promoting positive patient outcomes.
Critical experiences like these in the program provided me with a solid foundation to rely upon when I was hired and picked up the same change in status requiring the same interventions I had implemented during my time in the program. I had already performed these tasks so when faced with this emergency, I was quick to act and able to promote a positive patient outcome.
If I had not been in the DEU program, being exposed to those situations as a student, I would not have been able to act as quickly when working independently in my position as an RN.
My DEU mentor was also a member of the de-escalation team that would respond to violent patients in the hospital. As her student, I attended multiple calls to events requiring de-escalation where I saw how best to utilize therapeutic techniques and calm a patient without force. Now as a practicing nurse, I am able to use those same techniques I witnessed and promote safety for patients and staff.
Through the DEU program, I was able to absorb copious amounts of information, and with that information I was able to seamlessly transition into my role as a nurse upon graduation.
I know without a doubt that I am able to provide such well-rounded holistic patient care because of my time in the DEU program and status as a GMercyU Nursing graduate. I know that the program has an unparalleled impact on students because of my own experience in the DEU program.
Given that I was in the DEU program as a student, I know the power and influence of a good mentor. I was lucky enough to be mentored by my unit’s team coordinator, interim manager, charge nurse and through that experience my knowledge in a wide variety of skill sets was able to grow exponentially.
This experience provided me with copious hands-on knowledge and skills, all of which I credit with my ease in passing the NCLEX on the first attempt.
I knew I wanted to pay it back by helping mentor/guide current nursing students and soon-to-be colleagues in the nursing field. What better way to help improve the nursing field than by helping shape future nurses into the kind that can provide patients with the care they need/deserve, can improve the field themselves in the skills they can provide, and ensure future generations are set up for success.
I now have the unique opportunity to utilize my experience to provide the best possible experience for new DEU participants. Providing them with a pivotal opportunity that will inevitably shape the nurse they will soon become.
Post-Graduation Success
I was immediately hired by Jefferson Lansdale Hospital the first week of May 2021 as a graduate nurse until my NCLEX date in June and official RN status.
Lansdale was the assigned hospital where I completed my DEU rotation. I was lucky enough to be recruited and later hired on the unit I completed my rotation on through the DEU program. I was hired as a Medical/Surgical Telemetry RN at Jefferson Lansdale Hospital and have continued to work here since my graduation in 2021.
At the time of my DEU rotation, and later hire, my floor was being used as a COVID PCU where patients diagnosed with COVID-19 would receive specialized care up until requiring ICU level of interventions. Upon graduation I provided care to many critically ill COVID-19 patients while also caring for patients with a variety of other diagnoses.
Over time, the role of our unit has fluctuated and changed depending on patient population needs. In my time on this unit, I have had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of patients, and this diversity has made me fall in love with my current nursing role. While it is not where I initially envisioned myself working upon graduation, I now could not picture my current self being in any other nursing role. So far, I have worked for three years in this position and plan to continue before pursuing an advanced Nursing degree in future years.
Why GMercyU Nurses Stand Out
GMercyU produces high quality individuals, making them highly sought after by employers upon graduation. The caliber of nurse that is produced from GMercyU is what makes a GMercyU student stand out.
GMercyU works diligently to provide the nursing field with new nurses that are not only book smart but bedside care smart. Patients deserve nurses that are able to think outside the box in the face of complications, who are able to provide detail oriented, knowledgeable, independent care while being able to function as the member of a team with other nurses and doctors to coordinate outstanding care.
This is the type of nurse GMercyU produces. I know this not only because I am a graduate but because I have had the opportunity to witness this caliber of nurse through multiple generations. I have worked alongside GMercyU graduates from many years ago and all the way to brand new nurses, all of which have been consistent in their knowledge, skills, adaptability, and patient care.
GMercyU nurses stand out by the difference they make in the nursing field, and we are lucky as graduates to have been set up so well to provide such a lasting change.