Current Position: Assistant Principal at North Penn High School
Amy Linn's '96/'04 path to Gwynedd Mercy University may have not been conventional, but she fully believes it led her to where she's at today.
After spending a few semesters at two other local institutions after graduating from Central Bucks High School, Linn finally landed at Gwynedd Mercy University.
"I started looking at schools that offered what I thought was a competitive special education program. And proximity was also a factor," Amy said. "I loved the program that GMercyU had to offer."
Despite working full-time, Amy was active on campus. She utilized the fitness rooms, attended basketball games and was involved in GMercyU's chapter of Harmony Theater, Inc., a theater company for adults with developmental disabilities.
I had no interest or even any ability in theater before attending GMercyU. It was a great experience helping the young adults reach their full potential and do something I otherwise they would think they could do.
Amy began her student-teaching experience in the North Penn School District in a second-grade classroom. She was then placed in a special education classroom in the Central Bucks School District before ending her student-teaching experience back in the North Penn School District.
She's been there ever since.
"I graduated mid-year so I did my student-teaching through January," Amy said. "I was fortunate enough to be offered a job in the North Penn School District starting February 5. So, I really only had two or three weeks between student-teaching and when I was hired as a contracted part-time teacher. By September, I was full-time."
Amy was a special education teacher for eight years at Penndale Middle School until she joined the North Penn High School administration in 2004 after receiving her master's degree in educational administration from GMercyU.
Like undergrad, her experience back to GMercyU wasn't conventional either.
"I had started working on my administrative certification at another local university and it just wasn't the right fit for me. I took a class and hated it. I took a semester off. Took another class and hated it. Then a coworker suggested I look into the GMercyU program. I loved it," Amy said.
Amy has been a member of North Penn High School's administration for 15 years and now serves as the Assistant Principal at North Penn High School.
"Without that student-teaching experience, I wouldn't have gotten a job at North Penn," Amy said. "I'm a big believer in everything happens for a reason. Finding my path to GMercyU led me to staying in my community."