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- Amy Dombach, EdD
Amy Dombach, EdD
Education (Graduate) 2024

Current Position: Assistant Professor of Psychology
Story Last Updated: Summer 2024
Amy Dombach discovered GMercyU’s EdD program researching for graduate programs that had residencies. After some research, she was sold on GMercyU’s EdD path for Higher Education, Teaching, and Learning.
As a full-time assistant professor, mom of two, and owner of two cats and two dogs, Amy needed a program that best fit her needs.
“I chose this program because the online courses were compatible with my busy life. I also wanted a program that had a campus and a residency requirement so I could meet people and spend some time on a campus to start my doctoral completion journey,” shared Amy.
Since she holds a master’s degree and had several doctoral courses completed, it was necessary for Amy to enroll in a doctoral completion program to complete her degree as efficiently as possible.
“The completion program is designed to allow students to finish in 18 months. I did it in a year! The advising and registration for courses was so organized and efficient. I was able to work on my dissertation research and complete courses all in a short period of time due to the program design,” Amy said.
Experience in the Program
Amy’s time in the program was exactly what she was looking for. She particularly loved her courses on student development theory and attention to equity in higher education. She also loved the teaching styles of Dr. Kerr and Dr. Magerr and loved their creative ways to engage students in learning.
Amy’s dissertation topic was about the academic flourishing of first- and continuing-generation university students. In conducting research, Amy studies students’ social networks, academic engagement, intrinsic motivation, and academic performance. She found an emerging construct and person in students’ social networks, the academic confidante, is correlated with academic success.
Amy’s interest in her dissertation topic stems from her work as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Felician University. In her role, she’s observed the undergraduate experiences of many of her students, some more challenging than others, and was interested to learn more about how students experience their student role.
Experience at GMercyU
I have often considered how aptly named the University is. Completing the doctoral degree has been a dream of mine for many years. It was interrupted by some challenging life circumstances. GMercyU’s doctoral program is well-designed and supportive. I definitely felt Mercy while a doctoral student this past year. I have regained confidence and felt Mercy in my educational journey, which two weeks after defending my dissertation, affords the most wonderful feeling of contentment and compassion for my students, whom I will continue to support in the future.
While completing her dissertation research, Amy, alongside two professors and researchers, was awarded a National Science Foundation Grant to continue the exploration of college student experiences and identity development. She looks forward to continuing to learn more about academic confidantes and student identity. She hopes to continue her dissertation study and to present her research at regional and national conferences.
In March 2024, Amy presented her research at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference in Philadelphia, Pa. and presented again in May 2024 at the Association of Psychological Sciences in San Francisco, Ca.